“Hildegard teaches that the only sin in life is drying up. She wrote this to bishops and abbots, saying they should get outdoors more, doing whatever it takes to stay ‘green and moist and juicy, to be creative.’” – Matthew Fox, Hildegard of Bingen, A Saint for Our Times
Affirm: “Today, inner strength and vitality are imparting verdant energy to me in the open-air of God’s life. I am immersed in the abundant, creative juice of Original Source, and I bring this rush of spiritual presence to others. I pray that the world and its citizens are steeped in divine potentiality and all is well, for all is God. Amen. “Autumn is the eternal corrective. It is ripeness, color, and a time of completion; but it is also breadth, depth, and distance. What person can stand with Autumn on a hilltop and fail to see the span of the world and the substance of the rolling hills that reach to the far horizon?” - Hal Borland, This Hill, This Valley
Affirmative prayer: Today, I celebrate the fall equinox and join in the rhythm and beauty of the natural world, honoring the fullness of my being in its never-ending circle of life expression. I stand in reverence and awe of this amazing life that I am privileged to inhabit. I’m grounded in this place, this moment, and look to the horizon that beckons and inspires. Amen. “When a hundred CEOs were asked about necessary skills for success, they produced a list of fourteen abilities: thinking globally, creating a vision, embracing change, etc. No one could have them all. But one "meta" ability emerged: self-awareness. Chief executives need this ability to assess their own strengths and weaknesses, and surround themselves with people who complement them.”
– Daniel Goleman, Focus Affirmative prayer: I am self-aware, awake to my unique representation of Infinite Life. I am conscious of the God-qualities and skills with which I am endowed, and I’m aware of the strengths that I’ve not yet fully embodied! I call upon trusted friends and colleagues to complement me with their strength and energy, and to bring their talents to the work and life at hand. Amen. “I am the one who adorns the earth. I am the breeze that nurtures all things green. I encourage blossoms to flourish with ripening fruits. I feed the purest streams. I am the rain coming from the dew that causes the grasses to laugh with the joy of life. I am the yearning for good.” – Hildegard of Bingen, A Saint for our Times by Matthew Fox
Affirmative prayer: Today, I elevate my planetary vibration and my practices of caring for the earth. I take more care, plan better, and make brighter choices about our resources. Today, I revere the world’s youth who are raising their voices about earth stewardship, raising the collective consciousness, and who are stirring humanity to course correct and take action for the greener good. Today, I do my part. Amen. “Only grieving can heal grief. The passage of time will lessen the acuteness, but time alone will not heal it. Only by experiencing that ocean of sadness in a naked and immediate way can we come to be healed and experience life with a real sense of presence and spaciousness and peace.” – Anne Lamott, Traveling Mercies
Affirmative prayer: Today, I’m letting myself grieve, consciously being in the sadness. No resistance, no avoidance, no masking my grief with a brave smile. I welcome the gifts that this moment offers, finding resilience, wisdom, and a renewed sense of hope. I’m thankful for the healing, the soul recovery, and the lightness of being. Amen. “You must not hide. Meditation, education, and the knowledge of God's green acre is of no value if you keep it to yourself. So come out, come out wherever you are. Leave deep footprints.” — Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women Who Run with the Wolves
Affirmative prayer: Today, I show my heart and face to the world, to my family, friends, my community. Through my presence, I share with others the very best that I know this life to be about. Love, communion, natural treasures, and the essence of the One are the blessings of this day. Amen. “God wants us to help people and share our time, talents, and money. But I believe God wants us to give from a position of high self-esteem. Acts of kindness are not kind unless we feel good about ourselves, what we are doing, and the person we are doing it for.” – Melody Beattie, Codependent No More
Affirmative prayer: Today, I believe in the integrity of my self, knowing that I am made in the image of pure Spirit. From a reservoir of love and spiritual capital, I serve others. I give of myself and my resources, and believe in the goodness and promise of all. Amen. “We transmit the presence of everyone we have ever known, as though by being in each other's presence we exchange our cells, pass on some of our life force, and then carry that person with us, not unlike when plants in fields we walk through attach their seeds to our clothing, as if to say ‘Take us with you, carry us to root in another place.’" – Joyce Rupp, Out of the Ordinary
Affirmative prayer: Today, I give thanks that I am not alone. To know that I am in the family of humans being in God's life. I am not just my brother’s and sister’s keeper. I am my brother and sister. How grand it is that traces of their challenges and their blessings adorn my life. I see the evidence of spiritual union everywhere: coast-to-coast, worldwide, and beyond. Amen. “While taking care of your anger, you practice walking or breathing. Don't do anything else. Don't watch television, don't read a book. Just practice deep walking meditation, mindful breathing. Use one hundred percent of yourself in order to embrace your anger, exactly like you would take good care of a baby.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh, Anger Affirmative prayer: Today, I dislodge the anger that’s taken up residence in my inner self and in my body. I move it into the light and give it my full attention. In meditation – sitting, walking, breathing – I skillfully, mindfully embrace my anger. Respectively, there is understanding, self-compassion, forgiveness, and resolution. In gratitude, I let it go, and am set free. Amen. Gratitude is understanding that all of life has conspired to allow us to take one more breath of air. It's having the awareness that our incarnation as a living, participating human being is a privilege." - David Whyte, Consolations
Affirmative prayer: "Today, I'm grateful that the intricacies of life, the special avenues of the divine, are working together to bring about everyday miracles. I'm so thankful that the faces of pure love collaborate so beautifully to create the life that I honor and cherish. My gratitude and my calling are the same: the embrace of the divine, pure love. Amen. |
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