“I was taught that the way we combat evil is an eye for an eye, but, when I can't harm the people who harmed me, I harm the people who love me. Retaliation doesn't combat evil. It feeds it. We can actually absorb the worst of our enemy. What if forgiveness, rather than being a pansy way of saying it's okay, is actually a way of wielding bolt cutters and snapping the chain that links us?” – Nadia Bolz-Weber, Pastrix
“Today, I mend my wounded soul by releasing the feelings that have bound me to a wrongdoing. I let it go. I become still, breathe deeply, and feel the release of forgiveness. Now, I vibrate at a higher frequency, abiding in the love of God and taking action in the ways of peace, compassion, justice, and goodness.”– Rev. Scott Listen to a 30-second affirmative prayer about forgiveness. Click here Comments are closed.
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