“I stand at the hospital bed of a young woman, her face postoperative, her mouth twisted in a palsy, clownish look. Her young husband stands on the opposite side of the bed. "Will my mouth always be like this?" she asks. "Yes, it will,” I say. “I had to cut the nerve to remove the cancer.” She nods and is silent, but her husband smiles, "I like it. It’s kind of cute." He bends to kiss her crooked mouth, twisting his own lips to accommodate hers, to show her that their kiss still works. I remember that the gods appeared in ancient Greece as mortals, and I hold my breath and let the wonder in.”
– Richard Selzer, Surgeon and Yale School of Medicine Professor “Today, I am humbled by the presence of pure love in the hearts and lives of those around me. I see it everywhere: the evidence of God. And I pray that we let the wonder in, and grant a full measure of benevolence and grace into our formations as we live among the angels.” – Rev. Scott Click here for an audio version of this prayer. Background music: Comments are closed.
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